Online women’s circles for the heart-centered woman wanting to foster more courage, clarity, and connection in her life.

Join us for our first women's circle on May 7th, where we'll explore “Creating Closure” - Healing and Moving Forward After a Breakup or Divorce.

If you're reading this, chances are you're no stranger to the devastating pain of a breakup. 💔 I've been there, and I know how it feels to be stuck in that never-ending cycle of grief, loneliness, and self-doubt.

I invite you to join me on a healing and self-discovery journey: This women’s circle is a sacred space where you can come as you are, with all your raw emotions, and allow yourself to be held, seen, and supported.

In our 90 minutes together, you’ll journey through a healing experience that weaves together:

  • A visual meditation to help you let go of the pain, find a deeper sense of acceptance, and peace in your heart 🦋

  • 📝 A journaling exercise to gain clarity, insight, and a new perspective on your breakup

  • A proven method to turn your breakup into a catalyst for your personal growth and positive change 💫

  • 🌸 Somatic practices to soothe the loneliness & regulate your emotions

  • And more + Q&A

This intimate gathering is where you can untangle your stories, shed layers of hurt, and begin to rewrite a new narrative.

Date: Tue May, 7th @7 pm Eastern

This is your invitation to come and experience what it’s like to be seen and held in a community with other women who are healing their heartache and deepening their self-trust.