Enneagram 2 | Libra | INFJ


October 14th, in Los Angeles
(sunny side up)


Boise, ID by way of California


Avocado on toast with an over-medium egg, and heaps of cilantro


Schitt’s Creek, long showers, and eating off your plate


"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." - Isak Dinesen


In 2019 I found myself with no income, no future husband, and no direction.  

I felt so defeated. How did I end up here, again? I just ended a 7-year relationship with someone I loved. All my self-destructive patterns were once more, staring me in the face. Everything was so foggy but there was one thing I knew for sure and it was that this time had to be different …

because looking back …

Fifteen years ago, I became a full-time destination wedding photographer who traveled back and forth to Italy every Summer for 5 years. 

I fell in love with a man who broke my heart and decided to re-enter therapy for the second time in my life.

I took care of my mom for over a year while she battled cancer - grateful to have seen her through that, she’s a survivor.

I moved across the country for a man who lived in NYC. I lived there with him for 4 years.

He proposed to me in May of 2018 and in March of 2019, I called off the engagement, moved out of NYC, and moved in with my mom who was starting her new life on the opposite coast.

And here’s what was so different this time:

  • I set healthy boundaries

  • I cried, I cried some more

  • I went to yoga

  • I started practicing breath work

  • I ate foods that nourished me as much as I could

  • and well, I basically mothered the crap out of myself.  

The most important piece of wisdom I want to offer you from this experience is this:

In order to activate your personal power and embody your self-worth, you must hold your grief in one hand
and your joy and peace in the other

I believe grief can lead us into some of our darkest nights but it also has a way of showing the potential of what healing can do for us.

At the end of 2018, before I moved out of NYC, I had already started sharing my love and knowledge of the Enneagram with my dear friend, Kristy. We started a podcast called, The Modern Enneagram. 

I began shifting my personal Instagram account into a professional coaching page for the Enneagram.

I published a book with Simon & Schuster - and signed the contract in just under 4 months of turning my life upside down and inside right! 

By shifting my life into alignment with what I value most, I was thriving again.

I continue to do that today with my business: I help women reclaim the confidence in themselves that can sometimes get buried under years of conditioning, toxic relationships, and

Using the wisdom of the Enneagram and my own intuitive powers, I create a compassionate path toward gentle healing, growth, and grounding.

If you made it this far, I thank you for taking the time to hear my story. I look forward to connecting.

With love,
~ Gina